In 1993, the company asked U.S. authorities to permit its sale, but the government turned down the request, citing regulations that prohibit having an inedible product inside an edible object.
Prohibition on sale or import into the United States
While Kinder eggs have been available in Canada since 1975, the product has never been allowed into the US for at least several reasons. In 1993 the Ferrero Group (the maker of Kinder eggs) applied to have the eggs sold in the USA, but was turned down because of a prohibition against having an inedible item inside an edible object. More recently, the US Consumer Products Safety Commission determined in 2008 that the product did not meet the small-parts requirement for toys for children under the age of three, creating a choking and aspiration hazard in young children. US customs and border patrol agents on the US/Canada border go so far as to search for Kinder Eggs in the vehicles of Canadian citizens entering the US, and threaten them with $300 fines if found[3].Reply
т.е. там под запрет попадают многие вещи
Prohibition on sale or import into the United States
While Kinder eggs have been available in Canada since 1975, the product has never been allowed into the US for at least several reasons. In 1993 the Ferrero Group (the maker of Kinder eggs) applied to have the eggs sold in the USA, but was turned down because of a prohibition against having an inedible item inside an edible object. More recently, the US Consumer Products Safety Commission determined in 2008 that the product did not meet the small-parts requirement for toys for children under the age of three, creating a choking and aspiration hazard in young children. US customs and border patrol agents on the US/Canada border go so far as to search for Kinder Eggs in the vehicles of Canadian citizens entering the US, and threaten them with $300 fines if found[3].Reply
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